We’ve all seen it. That innocent looking pop up window that requests your permission the first time you try to play a game on Facebook. We find it annoying and quickly click the “allow” button so we can move on to our gaming adventures. It’s harmless, right? Wrong. (more…)
This comes up quite often, usually a virus. There’s absolutely, positively no way anyone except Facebook themselves can tell you who’s viewed your profile or unfriended you. Please, trust us. (more…)
You’re at a restaurant. You open the menu and you’re presented with tons of delicious choices. But, swimsuit season is upon us and you’re counting calories. What should you order? How many calories did you eat already? How many calories can you eat and lose weight? (more…)
We all know Facebook severely limits what you can do to personalize your page. While lots of folks are frustrated they can’t pimp out their pages ala old school MySpace (which was definitely out of hand) – where there’s a will, there’s always a way. (more…)