Santoriello Studios 2000 to 2012
This is a historical version of our website, documenting the projects we created for our clients from 2000 to 2012. Please visit for more current information about our studio. Thanks :)
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Buh Bye FBML. We’re Dancing on Your Grave.

It’s very easy to spend days wallowing in pity and/or loathing Facebook if you’re a developer. Especially “back in the day”. The Facebook APIs were convoluted and undocumented. You had to write “hacks” to work around all the bugs. (more…)

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Mar 9, 2011
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Learn More About Us

The story of our agency is the culmination of our journey: acquiring skills, strategic experience, and industry knowledge. Our studio is uniquely qualified to help today’s small businesses participate in, and benefit from, the fast moving social media-verse. (more…)

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Feb 26, 2011
Our Story
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